With the news of the coronavirus pandemic across the world, it has been difficult for me to focus on writing this post. Like most of us, my knee jerk reaction has been to get whatever food and supplies we would need for at most, one week of quarantine at home. Who would have thought it would end up being 2 weeks (or more) and lead to a shortage of toilet paper? But, thank goodness, I am well supplied on both ends for a couple of weeks – hope you are also!
Most of us know how to stock a pantry with non-perishable essentials – soups, beans, grains, pasta and tomato sauce. Let me share a few other suggestions. Over the next few weeks, I will be cooking with many of these ingredients. So, on your next trip (delivery order) to the market, add some of these healthy choices to your list. You may even enjoy cooking with them long past this pandemic!
In order to keep our immune systems strong, we need to nourish our body with nutrient-dense foods, not just calories. It is super important to make every bite count! I have taken a snapshot of a few items I highly recommend you have in your pantry, refrigerator and freezer. I will using many of these ingredients in my Immune Boosting Recipes that will be posted over the next few weeks.
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- quinoa, oats, rice, millet
- lentils, beans, chickpeas (dry & canned)
- polenta
- pasta, noodles, sauce
- chicken &/or vegetable broth, miso paste
- nuts – walnuts, almonds, cashews, pecans, …
- seeds – chia, pumpkin, flax, hemp …
- dried fruits – prunes, apricots, blueberries, figs …
- sweeteners – honey, maple syrup
- oils – extra virgin olive oil, grape seed oil, avocado oil, coconut oil, …
- mirin, shoyu or tamari, balsamic vinegar, ketchup, worcestershire
- nut butters – almond, peanut
- tahini
- sea vegetables – kombu, wakame, arame, …
- rice paper, gomasio
- nutritional yeast
- bread crumbs
- sauerkraut
- coconut water
- eggs, butter, milk, cheese, yogurt, cottage cheese
- egg replacer, vegan butter, non-dairy milk (almond, oat, hemp,…)
- baking ingredients – flours (all-purpose, almond, whole wheat pastry flour, …) , sugar, cocoa powder, baking soda, vanilla
- coconut water & milk
- herbs & spices – salt, pepper, cinnamon, basil, oregano, Italian seasoning, dill, cumin, turmeric, …
- refrigerated plant based meats – sausages, patties, …
- tofu, tempeh

Fresh Fruits & Vegetables
- apples, bananas, oranges, lemons, limes, kiwi
- spaghetti squash, zucchini, broccoli, carrots, celery
- cabbage, leafy greens (kale, spinach, arugula, dandelion)
- onions – red & yellow, shallots
- potatoes- sweet, russet, red
As a little personal side note, please say prayers for the healthcare professionals that are working extra hard to help us through these difficult times. My husband is one of them!
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